

Friday, October 4, 2019

Tales of the Goddess Part 2 - Lakshmi


There are a couple of versions of the arrival of Lakshmi. The more famous one goes that while the Devas and Asuras were churning Ksheeer Sagar for the Nectar of Immortality, Lakshmi arose from the waves. Desired by both Devas and Asuras, she chose as her consort Lord Vishnu.

Lakshmi means sign or mark.The most popular depiction is of her seated on a lotus, dressed in red with brilliant ornaments, smiling face, two of her hands holding lotus blossoms, while another hand is raised in blessing, and from the fourth emerges a shower of golden coins.

The name Lakshmi and the origin story are both indicative of the inner meaning of this form of the Goddess. Lakshmi is the mark of splendor, auspiciousness, prosperity, and everything that might be conceived as good fortune. These are the marks of the Divine. Thus is she inextricably associated with Lord Vishnu.

The lotus is an oft used symbol in Hinduism. Rising from mud and water, yet ever pristine, it represents purity. The red of her garments reflect life and vitality. The gold coins are the symbol of her munificence.

Yet Hinduism recognizes that money is just one form of wealth. So, we have variations of the names and forms of Lakshmi to infer that She is the Grantor of progeny, education, wisdom, courage, victory etc.


One of the temples celebrating the many facets of Lakshmi is the Ashtalakshmi Temple in Chennai, Tamil Nadu.

Ashtalakshmi Temple in Chennai, Tamil Nadu

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